
Checking Battery Status

Use DependencyService to access battery information natively for each platform

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last updated: August 2016

This article walks through the creation of an application that checks battery status. This article is based on the Battery Plugin by James Montemagno. For more information, see the GitHub repo.

Because Xamarin.Forms does not include functionality for checking the current battery status, this application will need to use DependencyService to take advantage of native APIs. This article will cover the following steps for using DependencyService:

When completed, the application using DependencyService will have the following structure:

Creating the Interface

First, create an interface in shared code that expresses the desired functionality. In the case of a battery checking application, the relevant information is the percentage of the battery remaining, whether the device is charging or not, and how the device is receiving power:

namespace DependencyServiceSample
  public enum BatteryStatus

  public enum PowerSource

  public interface IBattery
    int RemainingChargePercent { get; }
    BatteryStatus Status { get; }
    PowerSource PowerSource { get; }

Coding against this interface in the shared code will allow the Xamarin.Forms app to access the power management APIs on each platform.


Note: Classes implementing the Interface must have a parameterless constructor to work with the DependencyService. Constructors can't be defined by interfaces.

iOS Implementation

The IBattery interface must be implemented in each platform-specific application project. The iOS implementation will use the native UIDevice APIs to access battery information. Note that the following class has a parameterless constructor so that the DependencyService can create new instances:

using UIKit;
using Foundation;
using DependencyServiceSample.iOS;

namespace DependencyServiceSample.iOS
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery
    public BatteryImplementation()
      UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = true;

    public int RemainingChargePercent
        return (int)(UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryLevel * 100F);

    public BatteryStatus Status
        switch (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryState)
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Charging:
            return BatteryStatus.Charging;
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Full:
            return BatteryStatus.Full;
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Unplugged:
            return BatteryStatus.Discharging;
            return BatteryStatus.Unknown;

    public PowerSource PowerSource
        switch (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.BatteryState)
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Charging:
            return PowerSource.Ac;
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Full:
            return PowerSource.Ac;
          case UIDeviceBatteryState.Unplugged:
            return PowerSource.Battery;
            return PowerSource.Other;

Finally, add this [assembly] attribute above the class (and outside any namespaces that have been defined), including any required using statements:

using UIKit;
using Foundation;
using DependencyServiceSample.iOS;//necessary for registration outside of namespace

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency (typeof (BatteryImplementation))]
namespace DependencyServiceSample.iOS
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery {

This attribute registers the class as an implementation of the IBattery interface, which means that DependencyService.Get<IBattery> can be used in shared code to create an instance of it:

Android Implementation

The Android implementation uses the Android.OS.BatteryManager API. This implementation is more complex than the iOS version, requiring checks to handle lack of battery permissions:

using System;
using Android;
using Android.Content;
using Android.App;
using Android.OS;
using BatteryStatus = Android.OS.BatteryStatus;
using DependencyServiceSample.Droid;

namespace DependencyServiceSample.Droid
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery
    private BatteryBroadcastReceiver batteryReceiver;
    public BatteryImplementation() { }

    public int RemainingChargePercent
          using (var filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ActionBatteryChanged))
            using (var battery = Application.Context.RegisterReceiver(null, filter))
              var level = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraLevel, -1);
              var scale = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraScale, -1);

              return (int)Math.Floor(level * 100D / scale);
          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Ensure you have android.permission.BATTERY_STATS");


    public DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus Status
          using (var filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ActionBatteryChanged))
            using (var battery = Application.Context.RegisterReceiver(null, filter))
              int status = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraStatus, -1);
              var isCharging = status == (int)BatteryStatus.Charging || status == (int)BatteryStatus.Full;

              var chargePlug = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraPlugged, -1);
              var usbCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Usb;
              var acCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Ac;
              bool wirelessCharge = false;
              wirelessCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Wireless;

              isCharging = (usbCharge || acCharge || wirelessCharge);
              if (isCharging)
                return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.Charging;

                case (int)BatteryStatus.Charging:
                  return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.Charging;
                case (int)BatteryStatus.Discharging:
                  return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.Discharging;
                case (int)BatteryStatus.Full:
                  return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.Full;
                case (int)BatteryStatus.NotCharging:
                  return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.NotCharging;
                  return DependencyServiceSample.BatteryStatus.Unknown;
          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Ensure you have android.permission.BATTERY_STATS");

    public PowerSource PowerSource
          using (var filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ActionBatteryChanged))
            using (var battery = Application.Context.RegisterReceiver(null, filter))
              int status = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraStatus, -1);
              var isCharging = status == (int)BatteryStatus.Charging || status == (int)BatteryStatus.Full;

              var chargePlug = battery.GetIntExtra(BatteryManager.ExtraPlugged, -1);
              var usbCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Usb;
              var acCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Ac;

              bool wirelessCharge = false;
              wirelessCharge = chargePlug == (int)BatteryPlugged.Wireless;

              isCharging = (usbCharge || acCharge || wirelessCharge);

              if (!isCharging)
                return DependencyServiceSample.PowerSource.Battery;
              else if (usbCharge)
                return DependencyServiceSample.PowerSource.Usb;
              else if (acCharge)
                return DependencyServiceSample.PowerSource.Ac;
              else if (wirelessCharge)
                return DependencyServiceSample.PowerSource.Wireless;
                return DependencyServiceSample.PowerSource.Other;
          System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ("Ensure you have android.permission.BATTERY_STATS");

Add this [assembly] attribute above the class (and outside any namespaces that have been defined), including any required using statements:

using BatteryStatus = Android.OS.BatteryStatus;
using DependencyServiceSample.Droid; //enables registration outside of namespace

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency (typeof (BatteryImplementation))]
namespace DependencyServiceSample.Droid
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery {

This attribute registers the class as an implementation of the IBattery interface, which means that DependencyService.Get<IBattery> can be used in the shared code can create an instance of it.

Windows Phone Implementation

This implementation is more limited than the Android and iOS versions because the Windows Phone power API provides less information than the Android and iOS equivalents.

using System;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using DependencyServiceSample.WinPhone;

namespace DependencyServiceSample.WinPhone
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery
    private int last;
    private BatteryStatus status = BatteryStatus.Unknown;

    public BatteryImplementation()
      last = DefaultBattery.RemainingChargePercent;

    Windows.Phone.Devices.Power.Battery battery;
    private Windows.Phone.Devices.Power.Battery DefaultBattery
      get { return battery ?? (battery = Windows.Phone.Devices.Power.Battery.GetDefault()); }
    public int RemainingChargePercent
      { return DefaultBattery.RemainingChargePercent; }

    public  BatteryStatus Status
      get { return status; }

    public PowerSource PowerSource
        if (status == BatteryStatus.Full || status == BatteryStatus.Charging)
          return PowerSource.Ac;

        return PowerSource.Battery;

Add this [assembly] attribute above the class (and outside any namespaces that have been defined), including any required using statements.

using System;
using Windows.ApplicationModel.Core;
using DependencyServiceSample.WinPhone;

[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency (typeof (BatteryImplementation))]
namespace DependencyServiceSample.WinPhone {
  public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery {

This attribute registers the class as an implementation of the IBattery interface, which means that DependencyService.Get<IBattery> can be used in shared code to create an instance of it.

Universal Windows Platform Implementation

The UWP implementation uses the Windows.Devices.Power APIs to obtain battery status information:

using DependencyServiceSample.UWP;
using Xamarin.Forms;

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(BatteryImplementation))]
namespace DependencyServiceSample.UWP
    public class BatteryImplementation : IBattery
        private BatteryStatus status = BatteryStatus.Unknown;
        Windows.Devices.Power.Battery battery;

        public BatteryImplementation()

        private Windows.Devices.Power.Battery DefaultBattery
                return battery ?? (battery = Windows.Devices.Power.Battery.AggregateBattery);

        public int RemainingChargePercent
                var finalReport = DefaultBattery.GetReport();
                var finalPercent = -1;

                if (finalReport.RemainingCapacityInMilliwattHours.HasValue && finalReport.FullChargeCapacityInMilliwattHours.HasValue)
                    finalPercent = (int)((finalReport.RemainingCapacityInMilliwattHours.Value /
                        (double)finalReport.FullChargeCapacityInMilliwattHours.Value) * 100);
                return finalPercent;

        public BatteryStatus Status
                var report = DefaultBattery.GetReport();
                var percentage = RemainingChargePercent;

                if (percentage >= 1.0)
                    status = BatteryStatus.Full;
                else if (percentage < 0)
                    status = BatteryStatus.Unknown;
                    switch (report.Status)
                        case Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Charging:
                            status = BatteryStatus.Charging;
                        case Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Discharging:
                            status = BatteryStatus.Discharging;
                        case Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.Idle:
                            status = BatteryStatus.NotCharging;
                        case Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus.NotPresent:
                            status = BatteryStatus.Unknown;
                return status;

        public PowerSource PowerSource
                if (status == BatteryStatus.Full || status == BatteryStatus.Charging)
                    return PowerSource.Ac;
                return PowerSource.Battery;

The [assembly] attribute above the namespace declaration registers the class as an implementation of the IBattery interface, which means that DependencyService.Get<IBattery> can be used in shared code to create an instance of it.

Implementing in Shared Code

Now that the interface has been implemented for each platform, the shared application can be written to take advantage of it. The application will consist of a page with a button that when tapped updates its text with the current battery status. It uses the DependencyService to get an instance of the IBattery interface. At runtime, this instance will be the platform-specific implementation that has full access to the native SDK.

public MainPage ()
    var button = new Button {
        Text = "Click for battery info",
        VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
    button.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
        var bat = DependencyService.Get<IBattery>();

        switch (bat.PowerSource){
          case PowerSource.Battery:
            button.Text = "Battery - ";
          case PowerSource.Ac:
            button.Text = "AC - ";
          case PowerSource.Usb:
            button.Text = "USB - ";
          case PowerSource.Wireless:
            button.Text = "Wireless - ";
          case PowerSource.Other:
            button.Text = "Other - ";
        switch (bat.Status){
          case BatteryStatus.Charging:
            button.Text += "Charging";
          case BatteryStatus.Discharging:
            button.Text += "Discharging";
          case BatteryStatus.NotCharging:
            button.Text += "Not Charging";
          case BatteryStatus.Full:
            button.Text += "Full";
          case BatteryStatus.Unknown:
            button.Text += "Unknown";
    Content = button;

Running this application on iOS, Android, or the Windows platforms and pressing the button will result in the button text updating to reflect the current power status of the device.

Posted by kjun.kr